Today I made a splosh of red and green to make yellow it took me a lot of ideas but I like this one.
Rainbow splosh
- Author By The3baileys
- Publication date January 3, 2023
- Categories: Hanga | Create
- No Comments on Rainbow splosh
Today I made a splosh of red and green to make yellow it took me a lot of ideas but I like this one.
Hey everybody today my task for the SLJ was making favourite summer places snow on scratch so this is what I did
This is my castle. The purple side columns are flowers I found in the garden and dont worry about the bee its just chillin.
Today I made a dinosaur with the SLJ task Cool Characters I hope you like it. It lives in the amazon jungle that is why you have never seen it, it is one of the rarest things in there.
Today I did my attempt of well making Manga (I hope that is how you spell it). But I think I got pretty successful with what I made. Here it is
Today for my task for Summer Learning Journey was Unleash Your Inner Artist and it I am pretty proud of it and of what did.
Over the last couple of days we have been learing about everyday foods and somtimes foods. Yesterday W.O.R.M 2 1 and 10 went to the waionai paknsave to learn about food. Fresh Milk is good and calsi yum is bad well not bad but do not constantly.
(Can not find a photo of myself)
Today I learned multiplication and this question helped me understand more about it.
Today I made a poster a bout the Lorax and you might think why I am doing this but its about the movie and how the once-ler cut down all of the trees and turned them into theends you might think its ok. But not many trees are left on the planet. Click here