Category: Hanga | Create


Today I made a slideshow about a certain artist: Banksy.

Did you know that Banksy is known for his anti-authoritarian art. I learned that Banksy uses stencils to  create his art.

(please click Banksys picture on slide 4)


All About Me

Room 9 has been learning to write a fantastic and engaging blog post. I am going to do this by sharing this post that is all about me.

Today I made a new profile picture for my edublog. I began by using an avatar maker to create a cool avatar. I then went onto a word cloud generator and created a cloud that included words all about me. Some of the words in my cloud included: Aiden, Dog, Existing, Food, Funny, Human, Interesting and Mcdonalds. I chose these words because My name is Aiden, I have a dog, I exist, I eat food, I am funny, I’m a human, I ‘m interesting and I like to eat Mcdonalds.

My classmates identified 2 of my strengths as being spiritual and forgiving. I agree with these.

My favourite hobbies include fishing and playing minecraft.

Have you ever done a All About Me before?